When we sit in a circle introducing ourselves on the first
night of the three-month Yoga Development Course, I feel vulnerable. Who am I
to teach? Who am I to represent this lineage? I see myself through their eyes:
A weird girl with a funny accent. Unstable, incapable. But is it really their
eyes I am looking through?
How can I shift my focus?
From head to heart. From study to experience. From knowing
to loving.
As I enter the Radha room, fresh snow has turned the world
into a dream. I sit besides Swami Matananda: Inspiring, warm, funny, human. I see
a group of seventeen people. Seventeen bodies. Stiff and limber. Tall and
small. Muscular and soft. Seventeen people embarking on a journey to
themselves. Seventeen people and a tiny dog. I am not here to teach. I am not
here to lead the way. I am here to hold the light, so they may explore and find.
Sitting on my yoga mat; the snow in my back, a Swami at my
side, the students in my sight; I realize that I am exactly where I need to be.
Exactly where I want to be. I open my mouth, and chant.
LOVE and LIGHT to the knew seekers... and yourself beautiful Judith...
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