Mar 9, 2013

Sweet Resort

This week the ashram almost feels like an ordinary company. All people in the office get trained on our new guest management computer system and our trainer controls our mousepointer from somewhere across the globe (Ontario? Costa Rica?). Like in any computer training, there are server problems, corny jokes and information overload. But we also get to jump on the trampoline, and do some hatha in between.

Despite the energy drain, I am very pleased. This system helps me register people, assign their rooms and print out reports in a way that seems to actually make sense. Of course, we haven't gone live yet, and training is different from using. But we have all made a deal: No badmouthing Resort Suite for 3 months. It needs to be very bad indeed, if it ever wants to rival our current system.

The evenings provide a nice distraction from too many menu buttons. As the YDC is studying the ancient yogic Bhagavad Gita text, we all get to watch the Mahabharata, of which the Gita is a tiny detail. Three nights of magical wonder and metaphor ensue. Still, not being used to television anymore, some cannot help but snore. Maybe it is not so much about the families, their war, and Krishna's chariot anyway. Maybe it is all about the popcorn on the final day.

My treat however, does not come in the form of food. My treat I have found in the temple prayer storage room. The place where weird and unfamiliar instruments live. I realised that I really want an instrument that I can sing along to, as new songs keep on sprouting from my mind and mouth. The autoharp I found, seems to be perfect: Apparently any idiot can play (I assume that includes me), and one of my favorite singer-songwriters even explains me how to do so. So no guitar, banjo or mandolin for me just yet. Autoharp, here I come. Only disadvantage found so far: So many strings to tune!

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