Feb 15, 2013

Meeting Sickness

Some people at the ashram seem to be in a constant state of meetingness. There are meetings of all levels and sorts, with laughter and heated debates alike. This week I get my fair share of meetings, concerning teaching (twice), office, and computer related stuff (and I even miss two more). They make me wonder when I will actually get anything done. Clearly the ashram is almost like the outside world.

Almost, for meetings start with a prayer or a chant, and are mainly held in our "Buddha Study Room". We do personal check ins, where people share crabby moods and random sparkles and how they didn't sleep because the moon was too bright. Then there is the ongoing Kitty collage on the whiteboard, with cats in all levels of drawing expertise voicing the miracle qualities of karma yoga and cupcakes.

The ashram seems steeped in an ongoing craving for cookies, chocolate, and dessert. People are counting the days until their sugar tapas ends. When we have beautiful chocolate cupcakes with pink icing for dessert on Valentine's Day, I believe many take a little tapas break. But not me.

Inspecting the picture of my Polar Bear Swim with Kathy & Molly, I realise my lifelong no sugar or sweetness tapas is no luxury for my body either. More core strengtheners, less flexibility teasers. Or maybe I should just try to lose years instead of kilos? Or maybe I should just try to be happy for a change. These last few days have been trying, and I am not so sure why. Meeting Sickness?  

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