Mar 6, 2012

Hidden Language of Birds

Every morning at 7 am (except for sundays) we  practice Hidden Language Yoga (HLY). In HLY we practice different hatha yoga poses (asanas) and reflect on them. How does my body feel when I am bending backwards? What do I want to grow into? What would happen if my life was turned upside down? As the classes involve a lot of thinking, feeling and writing, they are not as invigorating as my body would want them to be. Still they are very stimulating for my mind and spirit and I love their gentle flow. Writing my HLY summary every Sunday, I can collect all my gems of the week. And since I do my own Kundalini Yoga practice every morning from 5.30 to 6.30 am, my body couldn't be happier while being here (okay, a sauna would be nice).

Still, some of the HLY classes are very challenging. This week we do a class on different bird poses. Although I associate birds with grace and freedom, most of my birds do not represent these qualities. My eagle is quite strong, yet has the occasional balance problem. I can do the crane for a short while and I manage the rooster on my fists, but gracefully? The peacock feather almost gives me a panic attack, and the peacock seems to be physically impossible. Luckily, peacocks are mainly a symbol of vanity for me. So I guess I am not very vain... Hmm, I probably just need to practice some more to find out about other peacock qualities. Right now I wouldn't mind some lessons focussing on the mountain pose though.


  1. Moeilijke oefeningen zeg! Bij de 'peacock feather' zag ik aanvankelijk de muur links op de foto niet.
    Misschien ga ik ze morgen ook eens proberen.

    1. Meestal zijn onze lessen hier heel rustig hoor ;-). En hij kan ook zonder muur, maar dat heb ik nog niemand zien doen!
